Acupuncture is a highly effective system of medical care based on natural laws, which govern the movement of vital energy (also called “Qi”) in the body. This energy moves through the body in channels called meridians, supporting functions of the body, mind and spirit. When the Qi becomes imbalanced, physical and emotional symptoms can appear. The Acupuncturist identifies the underlying causes of symptoms, viewing them as pieces of the puzzle that represent a small portion of the whole person. The gentle insertions of very thin needles at Acupuncture points along the channels of energy help restore balance to the body, mind and spirit at a very deep and meaningful level. In the presence of this subtle yet profound intervention, symptoms often resolve and patients frequently report personal transformation that serves their continued growth and healing.
Sports Medicine Acupuncture ®
Sports injuries are some of the most common reasons that many people seek acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture has been proven to help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with localized trauma and injury, and can also facilitate healing. There are three key issues that an Certified Sports Medicine Acupuncturist considers, not only to help the body to heal from an existing injury, but also to prevent future strain and injury. These include: accurately assessing the posture and the alignment of legs, hips, back, shoulders and head; testing and treating muscles that are imbalanced (excessively weak or tight); and prescribing corrective exercises to achieve muscular balance and good body mechanics.

Women’s Health and Fertility
Women are born with unique biological gifts that require special care and attention. Energetic and hormonal imbalances in women, whether fostered by genetic makeup or lifestyle, often manifest in the reproductive system. From puberty through adulthood, and on through menopause, acupuncture optimizes the health of the reproductive system.

Herbal Medicine is perhaps the oldest form of medicine used by all cultures. Jars with herbal residues have been found and are carbon-dated back to Neolithic times. Today, the World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world’s population uses Herbal Medicine for part of their primary healthcare. Our modern word drug comes from the ancient word drugere, which means “dried herb”.
Herbal Medicines can be taken as tinctures, powders, capsules, teas and syrups. They can be used externally as salves, lotions, oils, poultices, compresses, and in baths.

Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of medicine which has helped millions of people achieve lasting healing.
Homeopathy was developed by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). It is a medical science based on the principle that “like cures like”. Simplified, it means that any substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person who is sick. In Homeopathy, these substances are called Remedies.
Homeopathy is safe for infants, children, teens, adults, and seniors. It is a healing modality that encourages the body to restore itself. Each person’s situation is viewed as unique and the homeopathic remedy chosen is specific to the ir specific symptoms and concerns. This means that 2 people experiencing headaches may receive different remedies based on the symptoms of their headache.
Homeopathy considers the whole person and how the symptoms and concerns are impacting the ir mind, body and spirit. To gather this information , the Homeopath will first gather information about a person’s concerns and symptoms. She will use this information to select a homeopathic remedy that best matches the individual’s situation. One of the beauties of homeopathy is that it is individualized to each person and the remedy is designed to offer a gentle healing process.

Why Choose a Naturopathic Doctor?
- You want a doctor who will treat all of you, not just your illness.
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are trained to treat the whole person. This requires taking the time to listen and understand the genetic, environmental, and behavioral/lifestyle factors that can affect your health. At your initial appointment, you’ll spend up to an hour or more talking with your ND.
- You want personalized treatment.
NDs understand there is no one-size-fits-all treatment that works for everybody. After your visit with an ND, you’ll leave the doctor’s office with a treatment plan uniquely tailored to you, your health status, your health goals, and your lifestyle.
- You want to treat the root cause of an illness, not just the symptoms.
Sometimes having trouble sleeping, aches and pains, strange or hard to treat skin rashes, and indigestion or stomach discomfort are symptoms of an underlying illness. While these symptoms can be managed, it’s more important to understand and treat the root cause—which is the focus of naturopathic medicine.
- You want to actively participate in managing your own health.
An ND will help you learn what your body needs to get well and stay healthy. Patients have the opportunity to feel empowered and hopeful when they understand and are actively engaged in managing their own health.
- You have chronic pain and don’t want to use pharmaceutical drugs such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or highly addictive opioids to manage it forever.
Pain that lasts six months or more is more complex than acute pain and requires a holistic, long-term approach to manage. NDs are trained to work with you to determine which combination of therapies will work best for you to heal or manage your pain safely so that you can resume daily activities.
- You have tried all conventional medical options for diagnosing and treating a health condition.
Certain chronic health conditions that have symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, or gastrointestinal distress can be difficult to diagnose and treat, and can benefit from a holistic approach. NDs use diagnostic tools common in conventional medicine, such as detailed health, disease, and prescription drug histories, physical exams, and targeted laboratory testing and imaging. NDs also consider detailed diet history, lifestyle habits and choices, exercise history, and social/emotional factors to assess patients’ needs. These approaches can open doors to new treatment pathways and options.
Licensed Naturopathic Doctors and Their Scope of Practice
Licensed naturopathic doctors combine knowledge of the body’s natural healing properties with the rigors of modern science to focus on holistic, proactive prevention and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. By using protocols that minimize the risk of harm, naturopathic physicians help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health.
Naturopathic doctors treat all medical conditions and can provide both individual and family health care. They can work as primary care providers and as part of an integrated healthcare team. Among the most common ailments they treat are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, obesity, respiratory conditions, heart disease, fertility problems, menopause, adrenal fatigue, cancer, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Naturopathic doctors can perform minor surgeries, such as removing cysts or stitching up superficial wounds, however they do not practice major surgery. They also are trained to use prescription drugs, although they emphasize less toxic substances that promote natural healing first, following the Therapeutic OrderÔ to provide the greatest benefit with the least potential for damage.
Naturopathic doctors can order all blood reference range and diagnostic imaging tests. They can also order individualized specialty functional medicine labs, such as those for assessing digestive impairment, hormone imbalances, heavy metal and/or environmental toxin exposure, nutritional deficiencies, and adrenal dysregulation. They will evaluate your lab results in combination with your clinical presentation, your health history, and lifestyle and environment factors that might be preventing you from having optimal health.
Choose Your Naturopathic Doctor Wisely
When seeking medical care from a naturopathic doctor, it is important to select a doctor who has a naturopathic medical degree earned from an accredited, four-year, in-residence, naturopathic medical college and is licensed or certified.

Reiki is an ancient system of healing that involves the laying of the hands to transmit healing energy to the body. Everything in the universe has its own unique energy vibration: people, plants, animals, the earth, the sun, etc. Reiki is a form of universal life force energy that can be used for healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is a very powerful, gentle, non-invasive technique that is safe for adults, children, and animals.
During a Reiki session the practitioner, acting as a conduit, transmits the Reiki energy to you by placing their hands in your energy field and in various positions on your body. There is no danger of receiving too much Reiki energy. The energy goes where it is needed. You are ultimately in control and the healing comes from within.
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy has become an important part of general health care for many people today. Traditional healthcare systems throughout the world recognize that therapeutic massage can play an important role in treating illness or chronic ailments, and contribute to a higher sense of general well-being.
The beneficial affects of Massage Therapy are abundant. NIH research has shown that massage reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, increases white blood cell and natural killer cell activity, relaxes muscles, decreases anxiety and respiratory rate, improves range of motion, and increases endorphins.
Massage can help:
- Reduce muscle tension and stiffness
- Increase joint and limb flexibility and range of motion
- Improve ease of movement
- Decrease tension and overall stress
- Reduce pain and swelling due to injury
- Reduce scar tissue formation
- Promote faster healing of soft tissue injury, such as pulled muscle or strained ligament
- Increase mind/ body awareness
- Reduce emotional and physical stress and anxiety
- Promote deeper and easier breathing


Zero Balancing is a hands-on body-mind system of therapy that balances the relationship of energy and structure within the bones and tissues of the body. Zero Balancing integrates Western medical science with Eastern energy healing traditions to move energy and promote internal balance and harmony through the use of skilled touch and gentle acupressure on the joints and bones. A Zero Balancing session is done with the patient fully clothed and lying on a bodywork table. The session takes approximately 50 minutes.
Zero Balancing provides clients the possibility of health and healing at the deepest level of energy flow in the body – the skeletal system. By working with bone energy, Zero Balancing corrects imbalances providing relief from pain, anxiety and stress while facilitating a profound experience of wellness and integration. Aligning energy with structure enhances the body’s natural healing processes and supports optimum health. Many people initially seek Zero Balancing to relieve symptoms but continue receiving sessions as their quality of life improves.